
Official Telegram channel for Bitcasino
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Official Telegram channel for Bitcasino

Channel Overview

  • Promotions and Bonuses: Announcement for various promotions, bonus codes, and free spin offers for Bitcasino players.
  • Game Updates: New game releases and featured games
  • Cryptocurrency Education: The channel shares episodes of "Diamond Hands," a series that educates users about cryptocurrencies and their use in online gambling.
  • Community Engagement: Polls, questions, and interactive content are used to engage with the channel's followers.
  • Tournament Updates: Information about ongoing and upcoming tournaments is shared.
  • Special Events: The channel promotes special events like Bitcoin Pizza Day and the casino's anniversary celebrations.
  • Cryptocurrency Updates: New supported cryptocurrencies on the platform are announced.
  • Security Alerts: Occasional security warnings are posted to keep users safe from potential scams.
About the author
Miloš Savić (Milo)

Miloš Savić (Milo)

I'm Milo. I've been using Telegram all my life. When telegram casinos started opening up I had to write about it. Hopefully I can dispel some myths and help others find a better way to play.

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